New Blog Series - AWS Amplify
I'm starting a new blog series where I will be documenting my build of a full-stack Web and Mobile application using AWS Amplify to implement both the frontend, as well as the backend; whilst developing dependent downstream Services outside of Amplify using AWS Serverless components to implement a Micro-Service architecture using Event-Driven design pattern - where we will break the application up into smaller consumable chunks that works together well.
Since we are creating from scratch a completely new application, I will also incorporate a vital pattern that will reduce complexity throughout the lifetime of the application: we will also be implementing the application using the Event-Sourcing pattern - this pattern ensures every Event ever published within a system is stored within an immutable ledger; this ledger will enable new Data Stores of any Data Store Engine to be created at any given time by replaying the Events in the ledger, of Events created from a start date and time to an end Date and Time.
CQRS is a pattern I will write up about with great detailed in a blog in the near future, CQRS will enable the ability to create mulitple Data Stores with identical data, each Data Store using a unique Data Store Engine instance.
What is AWS Amplify?
Amplify is an AWS Service that provides any frontend web or mobile developers with no cloud expertise the ability to build and host full-stack applications on AWS. As a frontend developer, you can leverage it to build and integrate AWS Services and components into your frontend without having to deal with the underlying AWS Services; all Services the frontend is built on top of is managed by AWS Amplify - e.g. no need to managed CloudFormation Stacks, S3 Storage or AWS Cognito.
What will I be doing with Amplify
My experience from a while ago was full-stack application development and I have worked under that role for over 10 years, I've used various frontend/backend frameworks, components and patterns.
I will be building a website called Feed My Fur Babies where I will provide video streams showing live feeds of my cats from web cams placed in various spots around my house, the website will also provide users with the ability to feed my cats using internet enabled devices like the IoT Cat Feeders I recently put together and watch them hoon on their favorite treats; although I am experienced with building websites from the ground up using AWS Service, I am aiming to build Feed My Fur Babies whilst leveraging as little as possible on that experience - this is so I am building the website as close to the targeted demographics skillset of a typical Amplify as possible, i.e. as a developer with only frontend experience.
Current Architecture State
Let's talk about what was done to get to the current architecture state.
First thing I did was buying the domain using AWS Route53.
Next, I created a new Amplify App called "Feedme".
Within the App I created two Hosted Environments: one environment is to host the production environment, the other is to host a development environment. Each Hosted Environment is configured to be built and deployed from a specfic Branch in the shared CodeCommit Repository used to version control the frontend source code.