Chiwai Chan's Blog

These words are my own


FeedMyFurBabies – I am switching to AWS CDK

I am switching to AWS CDK I have been a bit slack on this Cat Feeder IoT project for the last 12 months or so; there have been many challenges I’ve faced during that time that prevented me from materialising the ideas I had – many of them sounded a little crazy if you’ve had […]

FeedMyFurBabies – Event-Sourcing using Amazon EventBridge

Introduction In my previous AWS IoT Cat feeder project I used a Lambda function as the event handler each time the Seeed Studio AWS IoT 1-click button was pressed, the Lambda function in turn published an MQTT message to AWS Iot Core which is received by the Cat Feeder (via a Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3 […]

4×4 fun with a bit of Iot, vlogging and Machine Learning – Part 1

4×4 fun with a bit of Iot, vlogging and Machine Learning – Part 1 Months prior to the very first lockdown I had gotten myself on the waitlist for a 4×4 Jimny, so I could take it to the beach without worrying about getting beached like I likely would in a regular front wheel drive […]

Smart Cat Feeder – Part 4

This is the Part 4 and final blog of the series where I detail my journey in learning to build an IoT solution. Please have a read of my previous blogs to get the full context leading up to this point before continuing. Part 1: I talked about setting up a Seeed AWS IoT Button […]

Smart Cat Feeder – Part 3

In this Part 3 of the blog series I talk about my experience printing objects using a 3D Printer for the first time. In Part 1, I talked about setting up an IoT Button; and in Part 2, I talked about publishing events to an Adruino Micro-controller from AWS. After putting in the hard work […]

Smart Cat Feeder – Part 2

The source code for this blog can be found in my Github repository: This repository only includes the source code for the solution implemented up to this stage/blog in the project. In the end I decided to go with the Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3 implementation of the ESP32 micro-controller for $4.99 (USD). I also […]

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