Chiwai Chan's Blog

These words are my own


Rockit Apple payslip Analyzer with GenAI Chatbot using Bedrock and Streamlit

Problem It’s the time of year where I normally have to start doing taxes, not for myself but for my parents. Mum works at various fruit picking / packing places in Hawkes Bay throughout the year, so that means there are all sorts of Payslips from different employers for the last financial year. Occasionally mum […]

FeedMyFurBabies – Storing Historical AWS IoT Core MQTT State data in Amazon Timestream

In my code examples I shared in the past, when I sent and received IoT messages and states to and from AWS Core IoT Topics, I only implemented subscribers to react to perform a functionality when an MQTT message is received on a Topic; while that it was useful when my FurBaby was feed in […]

FeedMyFurBabies – Send and Receive MQTT messages between AWS IoT Core and your micro-controller – I am switching from Arduino CPP to MicroPython

My usual rant on what I am trying to achieve in a blog Recently I switched my Cat Feeder project’s IaC to AWS CDK in favour of increasing my focus and productivity on building and iterating, rather than constantly mucking around with infrastructure everytime I resume my project after a break; which is rare and […]

FeedMyFurBabies – Using Custom Resources in AWS CDK to create AWS IoT Core Keys and Certificates

In a previous blog I talked about switching from CloudFormation template to AWS CDK as my preference for infrastructure as code, for provisioning my AWS Core IoT resources; I mentioned at the time whilst using resources using AWS CDK, as it would improve my productivity to focus on iterating and building. Although I switched to […]

FeedMyFurBabies – I am switching to AWS CDK

I am switching to AWS CDK I have been a bit slack on this Cat Feeder IoT project for the last 12 months or so; there have been many challenges I’ve faced during that time that prevented me from materialising the ideas I had – many of them sounded a little crazy if you’ve had […]

FeedMyFurBabies – Event-Sourcing using Amazon EventBridge

Introduction In my previous AWS IoT Cat feeder project I used a Lambda function as the event handler each time the Seeed Studio AWS IoT 1-click button was pressed, the Lambda function in turn published an MQTT message to AWS Iot Core which is received by the Cat Feeder (via a Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3 […]

4×4 fun with a bit of Iot, vlogging and Machine Learning – Part 1

4×4 fun with a bit of Iot, vlogging and Machine Learning – Part 1 Months prior to the very first lockdown I had gotten myself on the waitlist for a 4×4 Jimny, so I could take it to the beach without worrying about getting beached like I likely would in a regular front wheel drive […]

Feed My Fur Babies – AWS Amplify and Route53

New Blog Series – AWS Amplify I’m starting a new blog series where I will be documenting my build of a full-stack Web and Mobile application using AWS Amplify to implement both the frontend, as well as the backend; whilst developing dependent downstream Services outside of Amplify using AWS Serverless components to implement a Micro-Service […]

AWS DeepRacer

Introduction This blog is to detail my first experiences with AWS DeepRacer as somebody who knows very little about how AI works under the hood, and at first didn’t fully understand the difference between Supervised Learning vs Unsupervised Learning vs Reinforcement Learning when I was writing my first Python code for the "reward_function". DeepRacer is […]

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