Chiwai Chan's Blog

These words are my own


FeedMyFurBabies – Using Custom Resources in AWS CDK to create AWS IoT Core Keys and Certificates

In a previous blog I talked about switching from CloudFormation template to AWS CDK as my preference for infrastructure as code, for provisioning my AWS Core IoT resources; I mentioned at the time whilst using resources using AWS CDK, as it would improve my productivity to focus on iterating and building. Although I switched to […]

FeedMyFurBabies – Event-Sourcing using Amazon EventBridge

Introduction In my previous AWS IoT Cat feeder project I used a Lambda function as the event handler each time the Seeed Studio AWS IoT 1-click button was pressed, the Lambda function in turn published an MQTT message to AWS Iot Core which is received by the Cat Feeder (via a Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3 […]

Feed My Fur Babies – AWS Amplify and Route53

New Blog Series – AWS Amplify I’m starting a new blog series where I will be documenting my build of a full-stack Web and Mobile application using AWS Amplify to implement both the frontend, as well as the backend; whilst developing dependent downstream Services outside of Amplify using AWS Serverless components to implement a Micro-Service […]

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